Topics Building a digital archive of interviews based on a health care questionnaire


This IRC project started in 2021 with the aim of building of a collection of audio, transcriptions and English translations of interviews based on the Health Questionnaire. As an outcome, we produced and launched “Health Questionnaire Digital Archive (HealthQDA)” in March 2022.

This database contains recordings and transcriptions of over 150 interviews of the health questionnaire in four languages: Quechua (spoken in Peru and Bolivia), Shipibo (spoken in Peru), Kiribati (spoken in Kiribati, a country in the South Pacific) and Nuosu Yi (spoken in the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture).

Transcriptions are available for free, but sound files of interviews are accessible for non-commercial purposes only upon request.

(Written by Seunghun LEE, Daisuke SHINAGAWA and Mayumi ADACHI)

・2021 End-of-year report
Building a digital archive of interviews from a health care questionnaire (in Japanese)

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