The IRC actually promotes the following research activities.
The IRC considers "accumulation, processing, publication, utilization method studies of information resources concerning the languages and cultures of Asia and Africa" as a major part of our activities.
IRC Projects are recruited, reviewed, and adopted every year for instigating their academic activities as joint research in which researchers in more various fields participate.
The IRC workshop aims at delivering and promoting the IRCs accumulated research outcomes and methods to researchers in and outside ILCAA. The workshops are intended for these researchers to organize joint research, which will encourage the formation and development of new research areas based on their research outcomes. The IRC holds various workshops.
The IRC is mainly working for "the accumulation, processing and analyses of research resources," among the various activities regarding "[t]he collection, analyses, and editing of research resources and dissemination of research findings," one of the three main research purposes of ILCAA as a joint usage/research center.
For these activities, the IRC is proactively supporting the digitization and publication of various linguistic and cultural materials of Asia and Africa (texts, voice data, pictures, etc.) collected not only by research findings related to ILCAA but also by researchers outside ILCAA.