News ILCAA Collab “Japanese-Malayalam Dictionary” Wins Award


The Dr. Hermann Gundert Endowment Award 2018-2019 was given to Dr. K.P.P. Nambiar for his work titled Japanese-Malayalam Dictionary on June 20 2019 by the Dravidian Linguistic Association of India, at the occasion of the 47th All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists (AICDL) held at the Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga, India. This award is given for the Best Dictionary in Dravidian Languages.

The Japanese-Malayalam Dictionary authored by Dr. Nambiar and published by the State Institute of Languages (Government of Kerala) in March 2019 is a book format version of the Electronic Japanese-Malayalam Dictionary developed by the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA) under the direction of Professors Jun Takashima and Makoto Minegishi

Official Website of TUFS introduced the article.


Feature article in May:
Ceremony commemorating the publication of the “Japanese-Malayalam Dictionary” was held in Kerala, India.

GICAS(Grammatological Informatics based on Corpora of Asian Scripts)

IRC Project:
Japanese-Malayalam Dictionary (Online Dictionary)

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Building an online digital resource based on the Swahili dictionary published from ILCAA

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