Events 【postponed】Presentations on information resources created by the IRC projects 2019


【postponed】Presentations on information resources created by the IRC projects 2019

  • Date/Time: 2020/4/23 (Thu) 13:30–15:00
1.13:30-13:35 Introduction
2.13:35-13:45Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Electronic reproduction of ILCAA Asian and African Grammatical Manual: Malayālam”
3.13:45-13:55Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Expanding an open concordancer for Malay/Indonesian: Malindo Conc”
4.13:55-14:05Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Compiling Database of publications in Sibe”
5.13:55-14:05Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Compiling Database of publications in Sibe”
6.14:25-14:35Seunghun Lee (International Christian University, voice only), Keita Kurabe (ILCAA) “Building a digital archive of three Tibeto-Burman languages” (in English)
7.14:35-14:45Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) “A research on archiving and opening to the public of visual materials for VR/AR”
8.14:45-14:55Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism”
9.14:55-15:00 Closing
  • Language: Japanese, English
  • Admission: Free
  • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
  • Place: 304 , ILCAA

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Building an online digital resource based on the Swahili dictionary published from ILCAA

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