Building Database of Dr. Tsuchida’s Formosan Languages Materials
1. | 13:30-13:35 | Introduction |
2. | 13:35-13:45 | Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Online text of Ainu collected by Suzuko Tamura” |
3. | 13:45-13:55 | Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Turkic Basic Vocabularies (phase 5)” |
4. | 13:55-14:05 | Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Old Tibetan Documents Online” |
5. | 14:05-14:15 | Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Making a linguistic map of Malay varieties and developing the data collecting system for the map” |
6. | 14:15-14:25 | Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Construction of ‘Kachin Portal Website’” |
7. | 14:25-14:35 | Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Development of a simple and web-based input method for Unicode multilingual text” |
8. | 14:35-14:50 | Questions and answers |
9. | 15:00-15:10 | Suzushi HAYATA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Digitization of the Qing Wen Hui Shu” |
10. | 15:10-15:20 | Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Constructing a digital library of the illustrations from Voyages du chevalier Chardin en Perse” |
11. | 15:20-15:30 | Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Publication of Ottoman theatrical posters data base” |
12. | 15:30-15:40 | Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Data Base of musical information in the Ottoman theatrical posters” |
13. | 15:40-15:50 | kiyokazu OKITA (Sophia University) and Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Digitization of Matsya project microfilms” |
14. | 15:50-16:00 | Questions and answers |
Article on the website of TUFS